skn-focus-1600x800FOCUS  – a comprehensive inspection software solution that ensures our clients are Focusing On Compliance Utilising SKN, specialists in the field of maintenance, inspection and integrity assurance.

Bringing together best industry practices in an automated, secure package that proactively captures and manages all types of inspection data through the use of PDA’s (personal digital assistants) and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology.

Used as standalone, or integrated with existing ERP/EAM systems, FOCUS enhances existing business processes, using effective frontline data capture.  The overall system promotes plant uptime and regulatory compliance delivering significant operational efficiency as well as a safer working environment.

With intuitive screens and operator prompts; drop down lists; document storage; adaptable reporting and a clear audit trail, it ensures our clients can draw on our engineering expertise and highly trained personnel in the field, to support timely accurate data acquisition that can be interrogated immediately.


“The system was developed by our engineering team and field personnel working closely with software specialists.  It brings together best industry practices in an automated process; that can be adapted to client requirements. “